How to have some LOL funs in Computer Lab ?
Every one in college/schools/office have computer over there :: u can play pranks on ur friends and laugh out loudly
Now how to play tricks and pranks
Heres' the SECRET
There is a software name call ANGRY IP SCANNER
To download ANGRY IP SCANNER => Click on me :)
Now what to do
Sit down at the last computer in computer lab :: as we all know that all computers are connected to each other with the help of hub or LAN wire ::
Now install angry ip scanner at the last computer u r sitting
Open ur cmd (command prompt) type ipconfig and get ur computer's ip so that u may not shutdown ur computer
Angry ip Scanner looks like this
When scanner is instal :: run the angry ip scanner u will get all the ips of the computer :: select all the ip (except the computer u r sitting) and give the command shutdown from the command option given in menu :: and vollaaaa all the computer vl shutdown :: and every one think y the computer turned off
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